Friday 26 June 2015

The Saga of the Jeans

Day 3 (the saga of the jeans)

on day three after the days tasks had been laid out the craftsmen from across the eastern sea offered there assistance to the kingdom of the colossus and were were tasked with cutting out the boards Sean the white rhino had measured the day before and the went about there work like true craftsmen without argument and did the best with what they were gifted Dennis the usurper and Allen the unwilling set to work milling the usurper was introduced to the skill saw for the first time he quickly discovered it could be used as a weapon and took to the skulls of his enemies that was the first recorded moment the Tinmin made a packet to keep one eye on Dennis at all times. Let us see what the next day brings     

A Smiths Work

Day 2 (a smiths work)
Daybreak once more  being prompt to the days quest i was the first to step foot on the hollowed ground of the shed of tin as the rest of the rabel began to to appear from the far lands of the kingdom as the man of many names approached last so the rest of the rable new of his importance thy gatekeeper thrust his key into the mighty lock and turned the lock dropped with a thud and the rabel poured in like locusts on a field and the kings court commenced tasks were given the animates of the shadowed lands firstly Sean the white rhino was tasked with finding the pre vis visions of the future cha boy viny  cut the pieces for lynchs shoulder armor like a true smith of the forge i myself began crafting a side bag for kari Let us see what the next day brings 

Wednesday 3 June 2015

The morn quest

Day 1 (The morn quest)
Daybreak the rabel pilled into the Tin sheds gathering hall the kingdom was divided up to small areas of attack the knights with steeds were paired with squires and the pillaging commenced i with my squire Allen from across the seas set off to the city of the south and the bounty was plentiful although there was a slight mishap in the beginning of the quest where my squire Allen turned to me and the words i don't know how to get things for free left his lips so i struck him with the back side of my hand the blood dripped from his cheek i composed myself and told him that he needed to be a man of the people  but it was a nice start Vincent of house dulcet also prepared a piece of armor it now needs cut and prepared. Let us see what the next day brings